Tekken 8 - Reina Moves

Tekken 8 - Reina Moves
Reina is a new character in Tekken 8.  She is a season 1 default character.  Part Heihachi part DLC character Lidia from Tekken 7, but all kinds of new also.  This move set list is created for PlayStation controllers.  Currently, there is no L1, L2 or R1 & R2 graphics in the picture image.

LT is the top rear button on an Xbox controller, and is L2 on a PS4/DS4, and 
LB is the front top button on an Xbox controller and is L1 on a PS4/DS4.
zL and zR are the rear buttons on a Nintendo and L and R are the front.

The move Set list index, has the "Main Technique" tab first which is 19 moves (1-19) then the "All Techniques" tab which is (1-134), but starts are #7 move, 1 through 6 are just info with notes.  The Main Technique is on the right side.

1.) #8 is L1, L1
2.) While Rising press R2 (She slumps back, low to ground back, does left leg kick upwards)
3.)  Press down forward X, then keep pressing down forward and X again or R2.  (Does a low spin kick then another)  Otherwise it is a reverse kick like Asuka.

I swapped the R1 and L2 from what Reina was using to what this image shows.